Sunday, August 28, 2011

To use an elliptical trainer for weight loss

!9# To use an elliptical trainer for weight loss

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OK, you know you have to lose a few pounds, but where do you start? You can run, but this is a bit 'boring. The weights are another option, but do not want to lose a few inches to gain muscle. Let me give you a hint. Using a cross trainer to lose weight, it's fun and suitable for all ages and fitness levels.

There are a number of reasons why an elliptical machine is one of the best pieces of equipment, so you can move some excess pounds. It has a smooth, sweetAction, so there is pressure on the joints from jogging on a treadmill. The exercise machine of the arms at the same time as the legs. This helps to burn more calories and therefore more effective than a stationary bike.

If you're buying an elliptical for home use, you should be one that has a heart rate monitor. This will help to measure the level of intensity of exercise you get, must get into the "fat burning zone". If you own this equipment in the gymit has almost certainly on the machine. The most common type of sensor is a hand grip. But a more accurate way is a sensor belt, measure around the chest.

To burn the calories that you are the target, you should use your elliptical trainer 4-5 times a week for a duration of 20-30 minutes. This type of approach to exercise could serve as a "little and often" are called. It is much better than trying to do a marathon and a half hours once a week. If it is not exercised for some time,then just build yourself and the number of times you exercise. You may need to consult your doctor to ensure that you're correct.

All have, except the very cheapest models on a variety of training programs installed on your computer. This is one of the biggest advantages of using an elliptical trainer for weight loss. There is enough variety and fun to do, which you can stick with your exercise program and quit after a few weeks.

To use an elliptical trainer for weight loss

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Nautius And Bowflex

!9# Nautius And Bowflex

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We must see all the Nautilus equipment at the gym, right? Have you ever wondered what is the difference between this machine and the Bowflex exercise equipment, you always see in television commercials? Which is better?

Nautilus is the leader of the Bowflex. He brings some types of sports equipment, in addition to the Bowflex. These include the Stairmaster, Schwinn and trademarks trimline.

Neither is really better or worse, just different. For starters, most of the NautilusPower machines are designed for business (gym) use. Nautilus is a different machine for each body part or muscle group. This is not practical for home use. All of these devices would take up too much space.

Bowflex, on the other side is exercise equipment for use in your own four walls. Products Bowflex fitness systems have two full strength. Total Fitness means that you perform exercises for all muscle groups with only one training tool.

AlthoughNautilus has a transport capacity of a full line of gym, another difference is in how the various forces of the machine. The fitness equipment from Nautilus is based around is based on blocks of weight. Total afford trainers Bowflex resistance technology Spriraflex bars or both. Spira Flex is a technology that provides a resistance tight elastic wrapping around a spool.

Both brands Bowflex Nautilus and cardio training equipment to bring. Since Bowflex is exercise equipment for home, Bowflex cardio equipmentis less than that of their colleagues Nautilus.

Bowflex offers three main types of starch and two lines of cardio equipment. The key strength of the equipment is SelectTech system free weights. This line features the SelectTech dumbbells. These dumbbells are useful for home use, because a couple can take the place of fifteen sets of weights.

The other two power lines lines Total Gym Bowflex brand. These include the Bowflex power plants, withRod-based resistance, and the Bowflex Revolution, Spira Flex technology. Both are popular options for home-based gym.

Total Gym Bowflex systems have low inertia machines. This training promotes safer than free weights. In addition, a Bowflex machine takes up much less space than the amount of free weights, doing the same exercises.

Both the Bowflex Revolution and Bowflex systems offer different configurations and models. This makeseasier for you, total gym suits your needs.

Another great thing about the Total Gym Bowflex is that with a six-week money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied after training with the device for up to 6 weeks, Bowflex refund the purchase price for your sports equipment minus shipping costs. This is definitely one of the best warranties in the fitness world.

If you are looking for a piece of cardio equipmentfor your home offers two treadmills, and Bowflex TreadClimber. The TreadClimber is a unique combination of a stepper and a treadmill. Both come forward, as if on a treadmill, step up to a machine like. This machine allows up to burn calories at the same time workoout little effect.

Nautius And Bowflex

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Elliptical Stride Length

!9# Elliptical Stride Length

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Many consumers in the market for a home elliptical trainer often ask: "What is the ideal elliptical step"? Many others are asking: "What is the elliptical stride length?" This article answers both questions.

In very simple terms, "stride" is the distance between the front and rear of the foot at full speed on an elliptical trainer. It 'the same concept for how long your progress when walking or running. So why such a simple conceptConfusion much for spending on an elliptical trainer?

To be honest, is elliptical step, but one of several criteria used in evaluating an elliptical trainer. In fact it is one of the main features, together with the stability, durability and price, can make or break your decision.

So, what is the ideal length of an elliptical step? You probably already know the answer: "It depends." Basically it depends on your height, which generallyproportional to the length of the legs. Sure, some people have longer or shorter legs in proportion to their height, but in general, it follows that it is usually the biggest legs are longer.

As a general rule, if you are shorter than 5'3 ", so the length of the minimum pitch should be accepted is 17" 16 "as the absolute minimum. They want to fully extend your legs at every step, a full range of motion to achieve their hips. If you do not wantshortly on your progress, you still want to be hyper-extend. Both conditions are undesirable.

Movement in each exercise, both cardio and strength training, you always want to get a full range of motion. This is important for the full development of the muscles and prevent problems with the joints and ligaments. Length of the right step for your height is also important for overall smoothness and level of comfort you'll experience on an elliptical trainer.

A higherProperty on an elliptical shape with a stride length that is too short, you feel as if it were always restless, and not limited steps to enjoy a series of real elliptical motion. The trainee may also be forced to go much bent knees and a folded position to accommodate the shorter stride length. A short training period in an elliptical with a stride length that is too long for their height, the feeling that she slipped on an icy sidewalk. This hyperextension of the hip joints is veryundesirable.

Where it is complicated to use if more than one person, the elliptical trainer. For example, in the case of a man who is 6'3 "and his wife, is 5'3". The husband has a stride length of about 18 "-19" to experience a comfortable stride. His wife will probably be more comfortable about a "16 horse. But you can probably do OK with a longer stride length. The ideal solution in this case would be an elliptical trainer that has triedlength of the pitch as the Smooth CE elliptical trainer or one of Tunturi.

Remember that these sizes are very large and there is no substitute for trying to form an elliptical before buying. Also remember that the stride length of a single criterion to consider when shopping for an elliptical trainer. Many elliptical trainers have the cheap step lengths 16 "and longer, but it will be very short in the department of reliability and durability.

Elliptical Stride Length

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Monday, August 8, 2011

Nautilus Fitness Equipment - it is likely that these facts did not know before

!9# Nautilus Fitness Equipment - it is likely that these facts did not know before

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If you are wondering why the name Nautilus is so popular in the world of fitness and exercise, this article gives you a look at a variety of reasons.

Nautilus is a leading manufacturer of motion and fitness equipment for commercial and retail customers. If the name of fitness equipment at home or in the gym, you will see the company name.

Nautilus Group Inc. The company designs and sells equipment under the name of Bowflex, Stairmaster,Trimline, TreadClimber and Schwinn, as well as under private labels. Surprised? Do not be. Many pieces of equipment are television commercials and in stores and gyms that the company does business sold.

The company initially specialized in the sale of 1988 started sleeping mattresses and then expanded the product line to include special items for fitness. You can find them in almost every gym that you enter, even though most of the company's sales in the UnitedUnited States of America.

There are three categories of sporting facilities that are available from this manufacturer name strength training, cardio and fitness equipment. For strength training you can free weights and exercise machines with devices such as the acquisition of the Freedom Trainer.

For a cardio workout equipment with this company, you have a selection of equipment, elliptical, recumbent bicycles, exercise bikes and to complement your fitness program, there are a variety of accessories such asas mats, fitness balls, wrist and head bands, jump ropes and more.

As you can see, if ever used fitness equipment you have come into contact with a Nautilus product.

Nautilus Fitness Equipment - it is likely that these facts did not know before

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Top Treadmills Reviewed - Comparison between price and performance

!9# Top Treadmills Reviewed - Comparison between price and performance

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A treadmill can be an excellent exercise machine, providing a convenient and relatively inexpensive to stay in shape. But with over a dozen different manufacturers there, each with a set of different types of devices can be difficult to know which treadmill is best for you.

How much is spent and what kind of exercise you plan to help determine which price range and manufacturers are right for you. It 'important to the specificity of the researchIt is necessary, depending on whether you plan to run, walk or do anything to run training. But a good starting point is often an overview, the manufacturer and obtain the cost of a treadmill. An overview of the ten most popular treadmill models and their general assessments of the sector.

A company called Icon Health & Fitness is perhaps the largest producer of treadmills and best known in the world. They also make other types of equipment. In the treadmillRealm, producing Reebok, NordicTrack, Weslo, Proform and Image brands. All five are among the most popular and offer consumers a range or prices and options.


Of all the brands Icon Weslo treadmills are the least expensive, and in fact are usually the lowest of any treadmill regardless of manufacturer prices. This is entry-level machines for use by beginners and walkers who want to pursue a more challenging workout. They do not have the force of moreexpensive brands and are built with smaller running areas. And warranties are typically no more than 90 days.

In line sells Weslo treadmill Weslo 400 CS for less than $ 400. And 'recovery and again as one of the top budget treadmill models.

For those interested in a little 'more advanced treadmill Weslo EX18 sells for $ 500, but can be difficult to find. It's worth the search, however, because it offers perhaps the best Weslo model and a good car for the beginner orwalker on a budget.


Image is another brand of treadmill produced by Icon Fitness. This line is slightly more expensive than Weslo, but is still considered an economic machine that generally sell for less than $ 1000 Many experts feel that Image treadmills offer the best value for the average person. The only drawback is the warranty, which is only 90 days on many Image models.

The 1200 image treadmill has a 2.0 hp continuous duty motor that offers a maximum speed of 10 mph.The platform can accommodate 0-10% slopes. It 'a perfect choice for those runners on a bit' of a budget and who wants to spend $ 1,000 or less. The image was 10.6QL ranked among the top five treadmills by U.S. Consumer Reports. It has six programmable workouts and also allows to determine the speed and incline based on a heart rate monitor. And 'iFit compatible, which means you can connect to the Internet, to access training online. The cost is about $ 1400 and is responsible for foldingstore.


Proform treadmills by Icon provide shoppers with perhaps the largest opportunity for sports equipment. Cheaper models start at $ 400 and the overwhelming selection continues the spectrum at half the price of different models that fall within the range of $ 1,000 to $ 2,000. The Proform 795SL treadmill sells for under $ 1000 and is often a top pick among consumers and fitness experts. The LX 660 sells for less than $ 600 and has many features of a budgetTreadmill. Like many of the budget treadmill, Proforms often have less than stellar warranty, typically 90 days.


There are literally dozens of different NordicTrack treadmill models produced by Icon. They range in price from about $ 800 for a NordicTrack C1800 to $ 2000 for a 7500R model. Many fitness experts believe that consumers spend a little 'more for branded products when they purchase a Nordictrack treadmill. The machines often look very nice, but not alwaysthe best buy as some people have had problems with reliability. All models are usually fitted with a heart rate monitor, but some of the less expensive models offer a 1.5 hp electric motor and a smaller platform, often around 50 ".

On the plus side, NordicTrack treadmills often offer good cushioning for those who do not want to replicate the irregular conditions of shock, a real workout on the road. Their 3-2-1 warranty covers the engine for 3 years, frames and other parts for two years and allno cost for one year.

The NordicTrack Teton, which sells for just under $ 1500 and is a good choice for incline training and hiking. The 5100th Apex, which sells for about $ 1700, is also a popular choice.


Reebok treadmills also depend on name recognition to win buyers. Models often look nice and have many features, but are known to be less durable than other brands. It 'important to note that Reebok home treadmills are not made by the sameCompanies such as business models found in spas.

A positive side of the Reebok treadmills is the warranty. For most models, the framework for a lifetime, the belt and deck and all electrical and mechanical components for 2 years, and labor covered for 12 months. The engine is usually a guarantee of 2-3 years. One of the most popular models is the Reebok ACD4, which sells for about $ 1700.


Another treadmill manufacturer that is a name for themselves recentlySmooth. Appeals of this largest marketing company is that they sell their treadmills directly to consumers via the Internet on their company website. They argue that this allows them to reduce prices, and in fact, many models run less than comparative treadmills offered by other manufacturers.

All Smooth treadmills have a 10-year warranty on the engine warranty and 12 months of work. Other parts such as belts, platform and electronic components is covered by rule 2 to 5 years. ThisProtection makes Smooth treadmills an attractive purchase for those who had problems with previous equipment or simply do not like things to be repaired.

Smooth treadmills often rank at the top of their list of their price range. Many professionals choose for their excellent quality and competitive prices. The Smooth 5.0P has a 2.5 hp motor and 9 preset programs. It was considered the best treadmills on the market for overall value. With nearly $ 2,000, is a good 7.1HRpopular model for those who require the model a little 'more advanced. Both machines folding for storage.


Trimline is another popular brand of home treadmills. They are often compared to Smooth equipment and have a longer warranty but a higher price. In some cases, experts feel the expense is justified, while in other models it is not. Trimline offers six folding models and three non-folding. Know trimline 1610, which was sold for about $ 1,000 as a good recommendedBoot the machine. And the trimline 7200 remains a top seller despite the price increase is more than $ 2000.


Keys Fitness is relatively new to the treadmill industry, ever since 1997. They have shown improvements in quality and characteristics of each year and are known to offer a competitive product prices low to medium treadmill. They offer a 10-year warranty on the motor, 2 years parts and electronics and 1 year of service. They are often told thatcomparable in price and features smooth. The Keys 1200 is a nice standard treadmill that sells for just over $ 1000. The 8800 HR model is heavy with a larger engine and a platform and a higher price from about $ 2000.


Spirit is a treadmill company that for over 20 years. They are usually known for leading the industry to new capabilities. If something is or spirit of innovation and possibility was to introduce it. Although their SL 188is set at $ 1000 and is a good buy at that price most of their models in the middle price range of $ 1500 to $ 3000 plus. Spirit treadmills often have a good guarantee of quality and solid.


Landice is often considered the beginning of the line of treadmills. They usually cost about $ 3000 and at that price, you get some great features, heavy duty engines and a lifetime warranty on parts. If you have money and are serious about your workout, one of the LandiceModels, both the L7 and L8, provide quality options.


Cybex is another manufacturer that produces high end treadmills. Formerly known as Trotter, the treadmills have a high quality of this company and their prices. Again, it is rather a matter of which one suits your needs, because at this price you would get better, a good car. The Cybex 300T, which sells for $ 3000 and the Trotter Elite, which costs almost $ 4500 that two ways.

Since theseThe comparisons show the budget as a starting point when choosing a treadmill at home, as well as the way you use your device. While in most cases you get what you pay for, fitness experts caution that the marks are not necessarily better than the treadmill less known devices. Check the warranty, check the properties, and especially with people who have owned the treadmills or do repairs to control equipment for fitness. With so much information available so that a soundThe decision is simple. It's actually stick to your exercise routine that will be the hardest part.

About the author:

CJ Gustafson is a successful writer for Treadmill-Ratings festivals treadmills and treadmill reviews on popular models.

Copyright 2004

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Top Treadmills Reviewed - Comparison between price and performance

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